General agriculture question answer 1

Agriculture Q&A
Question Answer
Most dangerous disease of potato? Late blight (Phytophthora infestans)
1st Hybrid variety of Pearl millet? HB-1 in 1965
1st Hybrid variety of sorghum? CSH-1 (released in 1965)
Which are the most common Gastropod pests? Slugs & Snails
Which cucurbits are used for treatment of Diabetes? Bitter gourd & Coccinia
In which year was the Seeds Act enacted in India by the parliament? 1966
National Seed Corporation (NSC) was registered in? 1963
When is World Food Day observed? 16th October 1945
What is the optimum spacing for wheat? 22.5 cm (line to line)
What percentage of moisture is ideal for certified seeds of Rice? 13%
Which country is the world’s leading exporter of flowers? Netherlands
Who discovered the nucleus? Robert Brown (1983)
What is the term for the A + B horizon in soil? Solum

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