Potato cultivation MCQ question with answers|| Solanum tuberosum MCQ for exams
Potato all important question answer: Here all important question with answers related to potato you can explore answer usi…
Potato all important question answer: Here all important question with answers related to potato you can explore answer usi…
Leafless variety of peas, green peas MCQ question : 1. What is the botanical name of the field pea? Answer: Pisum sativum v…
MCQ on fruits canopy management: 1-a. The use of plant hormones like Cycocel in canopy management primarily helps in: a) I…
Important question answer related to Sahitya 1. सरस्वती- पुस्तकालय की स्थापना किसने की थी ? (A) सुन्दरलाल शर्मा (B) ठाकुर …
Chhattisgarhi question and answer in hindi 01. निम्नांकित में कौन-सा शब्द स्त्रीलिंग नहीं है? (A) संतान (B) सवारी (C)…
Horticulture MCQ 2 PDF file books2vyapam #rheo | CG Vyapam exam preparation: Here we provide a PDF file to best preparation…
1. Jos Buttler, who recently passed 10000 runs in T20 is from which country- A.India B.Englad C.USA D.Africa Answer Ans…
1. Green colour of Potato is dueto presence of A) Anthocynine B) Carcumin C) Sinigrine D) solanine …